Factors and constraints for implementing a unified data platform for operational intelligence and analysis of the power sector

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The research tries to identify the various factors that need to be integrated to implement a Unified Data Platform (UDP) for the power sector and its interoperations. Data and tools from generation, transmission, distribution and trading were readily available but in silos and we added to it the complexity of interoperability between stakeholders affecting the organizations, applications, information systems, social, economic, regulatory and technical infrastructure. The different data silos were studied to identify the factors which need to be analysed and integrated for these silos to interoperate with each other for attaining operational excellence in a competitive environment. The research was important as the last few decades have seen an organic growth of the power sector in India. This growth inherently bought with it the requirement for humongous enhancement of existing systems, restructuring of the sector, modification of the policies and develop frameworks to handle the scale of future capacities. The integration and interconnection of different stakeholders in the sector has increased the quantum of software, hardware, tools and data by manifold. The unification of data at a higher level will improve the operational efficiencies and reduce the losses at silos level due to lack of data unification.




Ghosh, P., Banerjee, R., Kandpal, V., & Verghese, J. T. (2019). Factors and constraints for implementing a unified data platform for operational intelligence and analysis of the power sector. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 5753–5760. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B3525.078219

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