Distributive system for congestion control in WSN directing through IoT

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This paper is presented to bring a very important issue in the data transmission realm ‘congestion’. Regardless of the type and priority of the data it may happen that a lot of signals generate by the system of sensors arrive at the ‘root’ destination at the same time. Regardless of the processing power sometimes it has been observed that spectrum gets saturated. This saturation can be compared with large crowd trying to get into stadium through one entry point. To solve this problem various algorithms have been introduced, in this paper we have given emphasis on one algorithms one is signal-type priority reception. The Quality-of-Service (QoS) of the primary applications is of vital issue in order to ensure its efficiency and robustness. WSN's with limited resources, congestion in WSN will further reduce the expected QoS by degrading its services and contributions in monitoring systems. In this state, efficient use of the scarce resources is an important to ensure seamless data transmission. At a sensor node the power consumption can be reduced by reducing the packet retransmission rate which can be caused by congestion. The nodes deployed in the area monitored will be clustered groups with a cluster head. The proposed technique is able to reduce congestion thus improve the overall performance. This algorithm will give a major boost to WSN system employing ‘n’ number of sensors and be able to boost up efficiency and cut down the time delay and hence enhancing the productivity of the system itself.

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Prabhakar, A. Y., Oza, S. K., & Gautam, C. (2019). Distributive system for congestion control in WSN directing through IoT. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(10), 4654–4656. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.J9877.0881019

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