The organizational commitment is the important factor in the teaching process and for attaining educational goals. The condition of teacher’s organizational commitment in this research setting is at the low level. The objective of this research is to find-out the way to enhance the organizational commitment through developing organizational culture and interpersonal communication. This research used the Sequential Explanatory Method combined with Scientific Identification Theory for Operational Research in Education Management (SITOREM). By using the Sequential Explanatory Method, it was found that organizational culture had highly significant correlation with the organizational commitment (r = 0.809, p<0.01), and interpersonal communication had highly significant correlation with organizational commitment (r = 0.795, p<0.01), but both organization culture and interpersonal communication simultaneously had lower coefficient of correlation with organizational commitment (r = 0.895, p <0.01). By using the SITOREM, it was found that the low level of teacher’s organizational commitment related to the low level of teacher’s organizational culture and teacher’s interpersonal communication. Based on those results mentioned above, we proposed an action plan to optimize teacher’s organizational commitment through an intensive training program to improve some selected indicators of organizational culture and interpersonal communication. The training program was designed for school principals and teachers in the research setting.
Optimization of Enhancement the Organizational Commitment through Developing Organizational Culture and Interpersonal Communication using Sequential Explanatory and SITOREM Methods. (2019). International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2S7), 97–101.
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