Credit cards are a significant component of everyday life. Whether purchasing gas and supermarket stores or reserving a hotel and lease a car for the next holiday. Credit cards are a pleasant and safe type of client payment. Advantages that differ from harm security on payments to the convenience of disputing suspect fees or suspicious activity make credit cards such an appealing form of transaction. It takes an hour for any time activities, online shopping, and paperless system. As the amount of credit card customers rises day by day, significant illegal activities eventually enhance. CT18 technique is the procedure for categorizing information directed at reformatting observations into CT18, whereby each observation belongs to the closest mean cluster. This is one of the simplest unsupervised learning algorithms that solve the well-known grouping problem
Subbulakshmi*, S., & Evanjaline, Dr. D. J. (2019). A Performance Analysis of Detecting Credit Card Fraud by using CT18 Method. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 7257–7260.
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