Paper Aims to extemporize controlling of a railway level crossing. The Micro controller is used to control DC Motors for opening and closing the Railway Gates. One of the two sides of junction two sensors are placed. If a train is impending near to gate and cuts the signal of first sensor in that direction, then the sensor gets triggered and will send an intruder to the microcontroller using zigbee. The gate get closes by interrupt service routine (ISR).To avert destruction have been provided Indicator. At certain delay, when train has passed the other sensor which is placed another end of the gate, then a gate will switch back to its initial point, moving a train to pass without any pause.
Kumar Sanjiv, B., Srilaxmi, P., & Pandu Ranga, V. (2019). Zigbee based railway gate controlling. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(4S2), 161–163.
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