Road construction is the important division in the construction industry and the most predominant part of a society. The roadway defines the development of a country or a state and brings in the economic development of the same. The reasons for choosing a project on the roadways are its vast scope of day to day development and progress in this area. Thus it is clearly seen that roadways is the most essential in todays world without which progress and development cannot take place at full fledge. Therefore any delay in completion of a road constructing project may have its impact in degrading of a society. Also at the same time the budget overrun or cost overrun of such project is highly unbearable.
Anish, C., Kiruthiga, K., & Vinoth, S. (2019). Analysis of time delay and cost overrun in road construction. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 901–907.
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