The objectives of this study were: 1) to analyze the preference, attitude, and consumer behavior toward black and green tea; 2) to analyze the beverage choice factor and its impact on consumer preference on black and green tea; 3) to analyze the impact of consumer attitudes on consumer preference of black and green tea; and 4) to analyze the impact of consumer preference on black and green tea consumption behavior. This research employed a descriptive approach. The data were gathered using online survey method toward 131 respondents with a requirement of consuming black tea and green tea within the last three months. The data were analyzed with the Partial Least Square analysis using SmartPLS program and Fishbein Multi-Attribute. The UHVXOWWRIIWKLVVVWXG\\VKRZHGGWKDWWWKHHSULPDU\\EHQH¿WWIHOWWE\\WKHHUHVSRQGHQWVVZDVVWKDWWWKHHWHDDZDVV TXHQFKLQJJWKLUVW\\DQGGVHUYLQJJIUHVKQHVVVV7KHHEHYHUDJHHFKRLFHHIDFWRUUKDGGDDVLJQL¿FDQWWHIIHFWWRQQ consumer preference while the attitude had no effects on consumer preference. In addition, the FRQVXPHUUSUHIHUHQFHHKDGGDDVLJQL¿FDQWWHIIHFWWRQQSXUFKDVLQJJEHKDYLRUURIIWKHHJUHHQQDQGGEODFNNWHDDD 7KHHSURGXFWWGHYHORSPHQWWZKLFKKVKRXOGGEHHSHUIRUPHGGLQFOXGHVVWDVWHHDQGGÀDYRUULQQRYDWLRQQWKDWW FDQQRIIHUUDDEHQH¿WWRIITXHQFKLQJJWKLUVW\\DQGGVHUYLQJJIUHVKQHVVV
Nugraha, A., Sumarwan, U., & Simanjuntak, M. (2017). Faktor Determinan Preferensi dan Perilaku Konsumsi Teh Hitam dan Hijau. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Agribisnis.
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