Promoting urban vitality has become an increasingly important focus among urban planners in the last decade. However, most definitions about what urban vitality consists of are based on quantitative methods, while the meaning and implications of vitality also need to be understood qualitatively. We conducted a study based on the PhotoVoice method in a low-income district in Barcelona, Spain, to explore how vitality is constructed among young people, a traditionally underrepresented group within the urban discussion and decision-making. The method, based on photography and group discussion, has proven effective to incorporate subjective perceptions and everyday life experiences on the understanding of the elements that contribute to urban vitality.
Gómez-Varo, I., Delclòs-Alió, X., Miralles-Guasch, C., & Marquet, O. (2023). Youth Perception of Urban Vitality: A PhotoVoice Study on the Everyday Experiences of Public Space. Journal of Planning Education and Research.
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