The aim of this paper is to study the use of viscoelasically damped vibration absorber systems to optimally control the vibrations of a fixed-fixed beam. In this paper, a main beam with fixed-fixed boundary condition with viscoelstically damped cantilever beam as absorber is taken for the analysis. The paper includes optimum design & analysis of vibration absorber with viscoelastic damping. The equations of motion of the system have been derived to find the vibration response with absorber and used for optimization of parameters. The classical and Den Hartong optimization methods are used to optimize the design parameters and optimum values of design are found out. Theoretical calculations have been done for a fixed-fixed beam with three types of absorber beams (undamped, unconstrained treated damped absorber beam and constrained treated absorber beam). To validate the theoretical calculations, experiments have performed and deviation from theoretical data is discussed.
Verma, A., Panwar, K., & Rawat, K. (2019). Control of beam vibrations using viscoelastically damped absorber system. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 349–350.
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