Ultimate capacity of vertical pile subjected to combination of vertical and lateral load

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Pile under general condition is subjected to combination of vertical and lateral loads In the analytical approaches to predict the load-displacement responses of a pile under central inclined load, it is assumed that the lateral displacement of the pile head is independent by the vertical load factor of the inclined load. Similarly, while estimating the ultimate resistance it is considered that the vertical load factor of the inclined load does not influence the ultimate lateral resistance of the pile during determination of ultimate load carrying capacity of vertical pile. In the present work, an empirical relation has been developed to predict the ultimate load carrying capacity of vertical piles subjected to combination of both vertical and lateral load in cohesion less soil. Effect of lateral load on vertical load deflection behavior of vertical piles when axial loads are present are discussed through several experimental results obtained from tests on model piles. Ultimate capacity is found to be a continuous function of ultimate lateral load, ultimate vertical load capacity and tangent of angle of resultant load made with vertical axis of pile.




Goswami, A., & Roy, S. (2019). Ultimate capacity of vertical pile subjected to combination of vertical and lateral load. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 2), 647–652. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.I1132.0789S219

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