Integration of Fog and IoT with Multiensor Data Gathering

  • et al.
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In the already existing system number of internet connected devices rapidly increase, this increased demand real-time, for the standard cloud computing framework, low latency services proving to be always a challenge. While In the proposed System, fog computing paradigm serves the demands of the latency sensitive applications in the context of IOT. The IOT is rely on cloud computing by passing information about sensor. This is a decentralized process to gather the information from each and every region of the city. System will check the energy and location of every server. Because whenever server uploads the sensor details it can degrade their energy on every time. So we have to migrate the data by allocating another server which contains the energy to send.




Muthuselvan*, S. … C.J, V. (2019). Integration of Fog and IoT with Multiensor Data Gathering. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 11785–11787.

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