Ree omon that is d-SolRS) c odes are mostly us e d to get and proper errors in transmission systems and also s torage de vices. The des igner should also just take into account the event of faults into the encoder and s ubs ys temswhe n RS codes are used for reliable systems. The s RS that is elf-checking enc architecture is presente d i n this paper. The RS encoder architecture age exploits some proper ties regarding the operations which can be arithmetic Galois Field (GF(2m)).Thes e properties are rel ate d to the parity of the bi nar y re presentation regarding the elements associated with the Galois Field.In this paper, enables i mplementing c oncurre mistake that is nttection s che me us eful for a wi de range of different decoding algorithms without any inter venti on in the decoder architecture. More over, performances in terms of area and delayoverhe advertisement for the propos e d ci rcuits are presente d.
Pothumani, S., Sangeetha, S., Priya, N., & Sundar Raj, B. (2019). Automated error detection inreed-solomon encoders. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 690–693.
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