The Development of Group Guidance Models to Prevent Potential Homosexual Threats in University

  • et al.
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This study was aimed to develop a group guidance model in order to prevent the potential threat of homosexuality in university. Homosexual behavior has occurred in the wider community. The perpetrators openly show their existence to the world in various ways and it is as if they ask for the world's recognition of the existence of their people. This phenomenon is a threat to the younger generation. The rise of homosexual cases today in universities has become one of the problems for counseling lecturers and it is necessary to find alternative solutions so that the potential threat of homosexuality can be prevented. This study used the R&D method with the ADDIE approach (analyze, design, develop, implementation and evaluation) . Based on the findings in the field, it is known that the validity of the research product has an average value of 0.80 valid. The model book has an average score of 0.817 and is classified as valid. Students' book has an average score of 0.796 and is classified as valid. Students' book has an average score of 0.794 and is classified as valid. The practicality of the research product has an average score of 4.2 and is classified as very practical. The model book has an average score of 4.20 and is classified as very practical. The lecturers' book has an average score of 4.21 and is classified as very practical. The student's book has an average score of 4.20 and is classified as very practical.




Syam*, H., Yarni, N., & Yusuf, M. (2021). The Development of Group Guidance Models to Prevent Potential Homosexual Threats in University. International Journal of Management and Humanities, 5(8), 40–46.

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