Delay in construction is considered as one of the major drawbacks in the construction world as the delay can increase the cost of the construction project, therefore, it is important to study the causes of it and then analyzing the factors. In this paper, various studies of literature review and a pilot study were done by taking interviews of the experts related to equipment in the construction project. The questionnaire was prepared related to delay in construction due to the equipment delay factor. These questionnaires were divided into the top 5 categories which consist of 20 major causes. The questionnaire survey was sent to the respondents through the google form and personally to the sites. Totally 200 responses were collected for 11 activities. The analysis is done in Relative Important Index (RII) to calculate the highest factors and the lowest factors which cause or effect the delay in construction. Based on the results recommendation were given. The purpose of this project is to deliver the construction facilities rapidly, which do not only serve as a competitive lead but also serves in bringing up constructional innovation.
Indhu, B., Yogeswari, K., & Akhtar, M. (2019). Tracking of construction progress concerning activity wise equipment delay. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 1883–1892.
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