In this paper Ring shaped patch antenna is designed which is suitable for wireless communications. The antenna is resonates frequency between 2 to 5 GHz that can be useful for the applications such as WLAN, WIFI etc. In this microstrip patch antenna slots are introduced to operate the antenna in different frequencies. This design achieves high bandwidth which is applicable to use with various wireless applications. FR4 substrate is used as dielectric material for this design. The material which is used for substrate has thickness and dielectric constant about 1.6 mm and 4.4 respectively. Different experiments are carried out with patch antenna to achieve better performance of the patch antenna. Simulation work will be done using ADS tool.
Divyabharathi, P., Abirami, M., Puvaneshwari, S., & Vikram, N. (2019). Ring structured patch antenna for wideband applications. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(5s), 358–360.
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