Shakespeare’s works are classics in literature and have many translations. The aim of the work is to study the peculiarities of the translations of William Shakespeare’s tragedy “Hamlet” in Uzbek literary criticism. In particular, the history of the creation of translations of this work into the Uzbek language, their quality and personality of the authors, the distinctive features of each of them and the circumstances of their origin have been studied. Particular attention is paid to the personality of Jamal Kamal, the author of the first translation of William Shakespeare directly from the original language. Also, the history of Uzbek indirect and direct transfers is briefly outlined, and a study is made about their extremely important influence in the development of culture. An important source of information here are various scientific works that cover and analyze the works of Uzbek translators with the works of William Shakespeare. A comparative-analysis of the peculiarities of translation of verbal images in the speech of the main characters into Russian and Uzbek languages is carried out, their correspondence to the original and the used interpreting techniques are analyzed. The conclusion about quality and prospects of development of the Uzbek direct translation are outlined.
Mizrabova, J. (2019). Translations of William Shakespheare’s tragedy “hamlet” in Uzbek literature studies. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 1546–1550.
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