Implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises

  • Taank* L
  • et al.
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This paper reports the findings of small and medium scale Indian manufacturing industries. The report included four different industry sectors, i.e. automobile, electronics and electrical, manufacturing sector and processing sector. Responses from 242 industries are analysed and presented in this paper. It is observed that Indian industries invests more in ‘Manufacturing AMT’ rather than ‘Design AMT’ or ‘Administrative AMT’ to make the production system simple; ‘Design AMT’ is the second choice to join together the various systems, and finally to automate the manufacturing systems the companies are investing in ‘Administrative AMT’.




Taank*, L., & Jarial, Dr. S. K. (2020). Implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 1868–1874.

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