Researchers and academicians are preferably focusing on natural fibers to fabricate in polymer composites for their environmentally friendly and sustainability specialty. The exclusive objective of this review article is to exhibit an inclusive idea of the principal apposite as well as widely used natural fiber reinforced polymer comp osites (NFPCs) and their purposes. Based on the strand class, basis and construction the possessions of NFPCs differ. This work critically synthesizes the exceptional inherent feature of usualstrandstaken in a polymeric matrix as an additive,promotingfabrication of inexpensive and insubstantial composites for weighthandling structures.
Patnaik*, S. R., & Pradhan, M. K. (2020). A Critical Synthesis Over Natural Fibers, Include Bamboo and Hemp Flavoured with Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 3582–3586.
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