A frequency and polarization reconfigurable rectangular di-electric resonator antenna for cognitive radio applications.

ISSN: 22498958
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The microstrip antennas are the most important device in the domain of communication because of lucidity and compact size. In this paper, a frequency and polarization reconfigurable di-electric resonator antenna (DRA) is proposed and discussed. The proposed receiving wire is equipped for exchanging at two distinctive recurrence groups somewhere in the range of 4.2GHz and 8.4GHz. The rectangular di-electric resonator receiving wire which is nourished by u-formed microstrip feed line. By putting the switches on the associating lines of a proposed plan that feeds the di-electric component and the condition of switch is turned between on and off, certain move of well-coordinated working recurrence range is acquired. A properly situated PIN diodes can change the length of the U-formed feed line arms, which modifies the polarization condition of the reception apparatus. The proposed antenna prototype enables switching between one linear and two circular polarization senses. Alumina_92pct with a permittivity of 9.2 is taken as a di-electric resonator material. The total dimensions of the antenna are 40x45x4.6 . A good impedance match (s11




Tulasi Ram, B., & Satyanarayana, M. (2019). A frequency and polarization reconfigurable rectangular di-electric resonator antenna for cognitive radio applications. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(5), 616–622.

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