We have discussed variant of informed search in this paper like A* search. The informed search algorithm is developed to run in given limited memory by use of heuristic knowledge with retraction methods. We introduce the sky-A* algorithm for solving shortest path between two nodes. The sky-A* algorithm developed a logic by which the obligatory nodes like A* can extend and return the optimal result joining the nodes. In addition, the method sky-A* is guaranteed to return an optimal path when heuristic information used. We present a number of different methods for both low and high level procedures and analysis their results and performance. Proposed algorithm provides accurate combination of surroundings of video segments in situations when camera movements are complex.
Haque*, Mohd. J., & Ahuja*, R. (2019). Sky-A* Algorithm for Artificial Intelligence. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 5295–5297. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.d7470.118419
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