Understanding the relationship between construction courses and design in architectural education

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Nowadays, architecture education concentrates mostly on form, space, and general subjects as well as considerations of function, and art theories about design. Least attentions are on technical matters, construction courses, which cannot stand separate from the design process. This lack of synchronization between architectural design and construction courses have resulted in the idea that only design product is paramount in architectural education. However, the nature of construction courses is mostly technical and mechanical, which make it challenging for students to understand and truncate their passion for furtherance on the subject. This paper aims to examine the problems related to the learning and understanding of construction technology and its connection with the architectural design. And also to identify the primary learning necessities essential for achieving a better learning performance in construction courses, by analyzing the curriculum of construction courses of Faculty of Architecture, EMU (Eastern Mediterranean University) as case studies, and related information in the current literature written between (1993-2015) whose discourses focus on: Teaching construction technology, Bridging the gap between Theory and Practice, Education and practice of building and Evaluating Constructive Thought of Master Builder.




Rauf, H. L., Shareef, S. S., & Ukabi, E. (2019). Understanding the relationship between construction courses and design in architectural education. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 3201–3207. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.C4919.098319

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