Determinants of Persistence in Collective Violence Offending

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This study explores individual characteristics linked to an increased risk of persistence in collective violence. A sample of collective violence offenders (n = 438) was identified based on individuals’ involvement in a collective violence incident in 2011/2012 or due to them being recorded in a police database of ‘known’ football hooligans. For the current analyses, persistence was defined as recidivism to collective violence assessed over a 4- to 5-year time span. Criminal career data were obtained from the police (register data). Individual characteristics concerned criminal career measures, behavioral indicators of personality traits and childhood problematic behavior. Due to a lack of other available data sources, behavioral indicator data were largely obtained from police and probation service information. The results of this study indicate that offender characteristics can be linked to persistence in collective violence. Results contrast currently dominant theoretical perspectives on the etiology of collective violence. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.




Van Ham, T., Blokland, A., Ferwerda, H., Doreleijers, T., & Adang, O. (2021). Determinants of Persistence in Collective Violence Offending. Deviant Behavior, 42(1), 37–53.

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