Docking and homology modelling of human t-helper cells for various SCFV fragments domains to block the access of GP120

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HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus which directly attacks human immune system as well as certain body organs such as brain kidneys and heart. The resistant framework is comprised of unique cells, which are associated with shielding the body from contaminations and a few tumors. The essential cells assaulted by HIV are the CD4+ lymphocytes, which help direct invulnerable capacity in the body. Since CD4+ cells are required for appropriate resistant framework work, when enough CD4+ lymphocytes have been devastated by HIV, the safe framework scarcely works. A considerable lot of the issues experienced by individuals contaminated with HIV result from a disappointment of the resistant framework to shield them from certain artful diseases (OIs) and tumors. This situation is utilized in a reasonable universe of bioinformatics in order to shape conceivable structure of the HIV gp120 which is reason for T cell contamination and a structure of the cd4+, to think about the coupling example of the gp120 and cd4+ through the docking procedure.

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Jayalakshmi, T., Priya, R., & Vijayalakshmi, K. (2019). Docking and homology modelling of human t-helper cells for various SCFV fragments domains to block the access of GP120. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 720–723.

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