This ground-breaking text provides a comprehensive guide to occupational therapy in Australia, from its role in the healthcare system to the scope and nature of its practice. The authors begin with an overview of the history of occupational therapy in Australia, the ethical and legal aspects of its practice and its role in population health and health promotion. The values and philosophy of occupational therapy are considered next, together with the roles and responsibilities of practitioners and specific practice features, including client-centred practice, evidence-based practice, research in occupational therapy and clinical reasoning. Key issues, including occupational analysis, the development of occupations across the lifespan, occupational therapy assessment, Indigenous issues, practice in rural and remote areas and advocacy, leadership and entrepreneurship, are also examined in detail.
Bourke-Taylor, H., Brown, T., Isbel, S., Cordier, R., & Gustafsson, L. (2021). Occupational Therapy in Australia: Professional and Practice Issues: Second Edition. Occupational Therapy in Australia: Professional and Practice Issues: Second Edition (pp. 1–419). Taylor and Francis.
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