Protection of wireless sensor network and container for communication in the arctic

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Currently, the Arctic is attracting the attention of many states. The nature of the circumpolar region has many dangers for the person who will work in this region. Global warming causes many negative processes. To study them, we created a container and a sensor network. The system we have created allows monitoring the state of natural processes in the Arctic. The sensory and telecommunications network system is also at risk from intruders. In this article, we investigated the attacks that could threaten the sensory network and proposed several measures to eliminate them. We identified three main problems of the network in the Arctic: the problem of power supply, the problem of the communication channel, and the problem of data reliability. We proposed a series of measures to solve these problems. We conclude that other researchers may use the security measures we have proposed in similar sensor systems in the Arctic.




Lagunov, A., & Fedin, D. (2019). Protection of wireless sensor network and container for communication in the arctic. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 5589–5594.

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