A central process in composite lightweight engineering is the design of different fibre-reinforced parts. Certain steps during the design process have the potential that the overall workload can significantly be reduced, by the use of modern software tools. This often means that a compromise between optimization and increasing development costs must be found in order to balance structural complexity, number of design iteration loops and subsequent changes in the requirements. We introduce a computer-driven automation process for a multi-domain, parameter-driven design optimization. The proposed concept was built around the idea that the methodology can be used with different software tools that are already in operation for the design process of lightweight structures and therefore allows an easy implementation into already existing development chains. The developed process was successfully demonstrated by designing high-speed glass fibre rotors with respect to their structural and dynamic performance. The results showed a significant decrease in time spending during the design phase with the benefit to quickly adapt the design to subsequent changes in the optimization goal. Additionally, a wider solution space can be taken into account, which increases the quality of the optimization results.
Zschiebsch, W., Filippatos, A., & Bohm, R. (2022). A digital-based design methodology for the optimization of high-performance multi-material structures. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1226(1), 012078. https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899x/1226/1/012078
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