In supporting United Nation Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), the government of Malaysia has implemented policy and initiative to improve energy efficiency. In spite of these initiates, the electricity consumption has increased yearly as reported by Malaysia Energy Commission (MEC). Hence, this study aims to (1) investigate factor on awareness in energy consumption and efficiency of residential users and their motivation to change their consumption behavior, and (2) examine the relationship between satisfaction of residential users as the moderating factor to their motivation to change user consumption behavior. A total of 400 residential energy users have participated in the survey and data was analyzed using Smart PLS. Results indicated that consumer awareness of monthly electrical bill and satisfaction towards energy efficient product has positive effect on consumer motivation about current energy issue. This may indicate that the increase in monthly electricity bill has an effect on consumer awareness on their electrical consumption. In addition, consumer satisfaction towards energy efficient product leads to higher motivation level of users to modify their energy consumption behavior.
Radzi*, H. M., Chong, P. Y., & Nazli, N. N. N. N. (2019). The Relationship of Awareness and Satisfaction to Consumer Motivation in Energy Consumption Behavior. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 6427–6430.
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