Atitudes towards Social Robots (ASOR): Revisiting the Scale with Four Types of Robots

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Our work is theoretically grounded in the notion of sociomorphing contending that not all dimensions of experienced sociality with robots pertain to projection of human-like mental states i.e. anthropomorphism. To investigate dimensions of attributed sociality, we deployed the Attributes towards Social Robots scale (ASOR) in a video-based online study (n=202) with four different robots (Starship Delivery Robot, Telenoid, Blossom, Vector). The four robots were rated slightly differently which aligned with our expectations because of the differences in appearances and how they were contextualised in the videos. However, further evaluation of the statistical properties of the scale and the solicited qualitative feedback to the items pointed to limitations of the scale.




Dobrosovestnova, A., Vetter, R., & Weiss, A. (2024). Atitudes towards Social Robots (ASOR): Revisiting the Scale with Four Types of Robots. In ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 402–406). IEEE Computer Society.

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