Hindu has wide range of teaching sources including sruti and smrti, and also local theology in the from of manuscripts which are used as guidance of good actions.Although there are many holy texts which humans can use as their guidance in life, but not all the humans can act based on dharma as it is taught in those holy texts. It is proven in a mountain village where most of the villagers are jero (priests) who should act based on dharma, but in fact there are still many social deviations and crimes in the village. The most recent case happened a few months ago where there was a murder done by JeroMangku (Priest). Based on the explanation above, the problems discussedvin this research are; (1) what is the structure of Karmaphala teachings in Agastya Parwa Text? (2) what are the functions of Karmaphala teaching in Agastya Parwa Text? (3) what is the perception of the people in songan village Kintamani Bangli about the Karmaphala teaching in Agastya P arwa Text? The theoriesused in this research are structural theory, function theory, and perception theory. Structural theory refers to the theory introduced by teewu: the basic assumption of structuralism is; text is the whole complete meaning which has intrinsic coherence. Function theory refers to the theory introduced by Ratna and Damono, both are combined to figure out the function of literature in society. The purpose is to find out the function of Agastya Parwa Text. Perception theory is used to examine the problem related to people’s perception about Agastya Parwa Text. This a qualitative research using library research and interview and also document study. This research uses descriptive method, structural understanding and interpretation and the analysis presentation uses descriptive method. Structure discussion, in here text structure andKarmaphala teachings structure in Agastya Parwa Text are discussed. Text structure related to the general description and the points of the teachings In Agastya Parwa Text. The structure of Karmaphala teaching in Agastya Parwa Text is broken down into some parts; (1) Sancita Karmaphala (2) Prarabda Karmaphala (3)Kriyamana Karmaphala, but the explanation of those parts are not done in order. For example, at the beginning is about Kriyamana Karmaphala, and the Sancita Karmaphala, and the back again to Kriyamana Karmaphala. The function of Karmaphala in Agastya Parwa Text is; morality aeducation function, religious function, social funcation, and as a medium of inspiration. Therefore, people of songan village really believe in the Karmaphala teaching found in Agastya Parwa Text.
Soma Widnyana, I. G. (2017). PERSEPSI UMAT HINDU TERHADAP AJARAN KARMAPHALA DALAM TEKS AGASTYA PARWA DI DESA SONGAN KINTAMANI BANGLI. Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu, 1(2), 448. https://doi.org/10.25078/jpah.v1i2.281
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