Assessment and Prediction of Burnout According to the Effort–Reward Imbalance Model in a Sample of Healthcare Assistants

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Psychosocial stress at work and burnout have a main impact on the health and performance of the health sector workforce. The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) was developed as a generic instrument to assess burnout indicators and has been established as an international standard in research studies. The aim of this study was to analyze the association between burnout and the Effort-Reward Imbalance-Model (ERI) in a sample of 1438 health care assistants (HCA). The CBI can be confirmatory modeled according to the theoretical model. For the ERI questionnaire, 3 subfactors, that is, job security, career opportunities, plus esteem and money, have to be formed for the construct Reward. 3 items have to be eliminated, because no conclusive allocation to the constructs is possible. According to global fit indices for both of the modified models, an acceptable-to-good fit can be established. By a structural equation model, the variance of the value of burnout can be explained by up to 46 % by the dimensions of the ERI model. The assessment of the constructs and the theorybased modeling of the associations provide a starting point for the diagnostics and understanding of burnout-related factors of the work situation in HCA.




Fauser, D., Scholz, M., & Wirtz, M. A. (2020). Assessment and Prediction of Burnout According to the Effort–Reward Imbalance Model in a Sample of Healthcare Assistants. Diagnostica, 66(3), 190–199.

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