Lactate and other biomarkers as treatment target in cardiogenic shock

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Purpose of review: Cardiogenic shock remains beside sudden cardiac death the most outcome relevant complication of acute myocardial infarction. Over the last two decades as confirmation of the benefit of early revascularization no further relevant improvement in outcome could be achieved. Biomarkers are important for diagnosis, monitoring, and management in cardiogenic shock patients. Recent findings: A bunch of different biomarkers have been associated with prognosis in patients with cardiogenic shock. In routine use standard parameters such as serum lactate or serum creatinine are still most important in monitoring these patients. These established markers outperformed novel markers in prognostic impact in recent trials. Summary: Biomarkers serve as important treatment targets and may help physicians in therapeutic decision-making. Furthermore, the complex pathophysiology of cardiogenic shock may be better understood by investigation of different biomarkers.




Fuernau, G. (2019, August 1). Lactate and other biomarkers as treatment target in cardiogenic shock. Current Opinion in Critical Care. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

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