The difference in code size between RISC and CISC processors appears to be a significant factor limiting the use of RISC architectures in embedded systems. Fortunately, RISC programs can be effectively compressed. An ideal solution is to design a RISC system that can directly execute compressed programs. A new RISC system architecture called a Compressed Code RISC Processor is presented. This processor depends on a code-expanding instruction cache to manage compressed programs. The compression is transparent to the processor since all instructions are executed from cache. Experimental simulations show that a significant degree of compression can be achieved from a fixed encoding scheme. The impact on system performance is slight and for some memory implementations the reduced memory bandwidth actually increases performance.
Wolfe, A., & Chanin, A. (1992). Executing compressed programs on an embedded RISC architecture. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture (pp. 81–91). Publ by ACM.
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