The article is dedicated to analyzing technical and legal means of concluding an agreement via the Internet. During their study, the authors have determined that there are two main ways to conclude these contracts: to conclude contracts by exchanging e-documents and to carry out implicative actions, each of which has its own characteristics. The correlation and analysis of civil legal relations and judicial practice have shown the possibility of both ways that can sometimes corroborate and replace each other. The authors have come to the conclusion that today a click-wrap agreement widely used when providing the access to content or services on the Internet is of particular popularity among users of Internet resources. At the end, the authors have drawn the conclusion that it is necessary to reduce the excessive impact of the state on the economy in the area of digital relations by creating public means of control, such as self-regulation. This can be achieved by providing such organizations with broad rights and powers, and at the same time establishing high responsibility for violating the law.
Lenkovskaya, R. R., Kuleshov, G. N., Turkin, M. M., & Burova, I. L. (2019). Technology of concluding contracts via the internet. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 4598–4602.
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