Friction welding (FW) is a solid state welding method invented in 1940s by the welding institute. Without genuine liquefying of the materials, a normally excellent weld joint is produced with this procedure. The method is quick, environment friendly and easy to carry out. The extent of the present examination is to assess the effect of welding variables on the tensile properties of friction welded of dissimilar metals. From this review study, posted research papers of different authors has been studied and it has been determined that the welding variables like revolution pace, rubbing time , friction stress, forge time, forge strain are have high impact on the mechanical properties of friction welded joints. Finally, the conclusions of the review study presented the practical applications for the manufacturing sector and proposals for further innovative work and advancements. The purpose for this article is to advise industry and the scholarly world regarding the advantages of rotary FW so the procedure might be used in better way.
Chatha*, J. S., Bedi, T. S., & Handa, A. (2019). Rotary Friction Welding of Dissimilar Materials. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 10361–10369.
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