Pulse compression is widely used method to get high range resolution in radar applications. This can be achieved when transmitted pulse is modulated either using phase coding or frequency coding. In phase coding technique, it can be bi-phase or poly phase.Bi-phase coding is preferred method due to its simplicity in generation and needs less signal processing techniques. This paper wepropose a new algorithm called Progressive Search Algorithm (PSA) for the optimization of bi-phase sequences for radar applications. It is devised that the new algorithm is capable of optimizing the sequences with low autocorrelation sidelobes. The convergence rate of PSA isvery fast compared to the other existing algorithms such as PSO and SGO. The development procedure and its efficiency with respect to the PSO and SGO is also presented in this work.
Suryanarayana*, E. V., & Siddhaiah, P. (2019). Design of Biphase Sequences using Psafor Radar Applications. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 4396–4401. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.d8366.118419
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