Critical load of any component is necessary to know now days. From this we can know maximum amount of load it can withstand. As well as there is a huge demand in composite materials. Using this, various machinery components and aero components can be fabricated. This paper deals to analyze the critical load of composite cylinders with different cut outs. Initially, all geometry models are created in modeling package CATIA, after that analysis is performed by using ANSYS. Different analysis has been performed using cut out shapes, height and diameter of the vessels. The improvement of critical load is very important, so that optimization is also selected in this present work. Using design of experimental data TAGUCHI technique as well as grey relation analysis is used and the result has been found.
Radhakrishna, K., & Rao, S. S. (2019). Analysis of buckling strength in the case of axial load of various composite cylinder shells. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(6), 769–771.
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