Nowadays, due to the ease of availability of internet technology large numbers of people are using the World Wide Web. The companies are changing their way to do business. They are shifting from a data-oriented system to a service-oriented system. Now companies are able to depict their business in the form of web services and make them available on the internet. Due to this number of web services are available for satisfying the user’s need. But to select the best web service that satisfies user specification is a challenging issue. So, it is necessary to consider not only the functional requirement of the web services but also the nonfunctional requirements of the web services. On the other hand, users are not able to specify the exact nonfunctional parameter requirements so, there is a need for QoS processor which can understand the user's need and can extract the parameters for QoS. In this paper, a modified TOPSIS approach based on MCDM is proposed for the selection of efficient web service. The web services that are near to user expectations are selected out using the proposed method. Experimental outcomes show that the proposed approach determines the most promising results.
Negi, N., & Chandra, S. (2019). Efficient selection of QoS based web services using modified TOPSIS method. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 5732–5738.
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