Persepsi Pasien Terhadap Pelayanan Keperawatan: Studi Fenomenologi

  • Muhidin M
  • Sahar J
  • Wiarsih W
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AbstrakMutu pelayanan keperawatan merupakan hasil dari harapan ideal yang dipersepsikan pasien dengan kenyataan yang diterima. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan persepsi pasien terhadap pelayanan keperawatan di RS X Madiun. Desain penelitian adalah fenomenologi deskriptif menurut Spiegelberg dengan teknik pengambilan sampel convenience sampling sejumlah 7 informan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik in depth-interview dengan bentuk pertanyaan terbuka semi terstruktur. Hasil wawancara direkam dengan alat perekam kemudian ditranskrip verbatim dan dianalisis menggunakan metode Colaizzi. Penelitian menghasilkan 18 tema tentang persepsi pasien terhadap pelayanan keperawatan: alasan utama memilih rawat inap; alas an penunjang memilih rawat inap; puas pada pelayanan keperawatan; kecewa pada pelayanan keperawatan; toleran pada pelayanan keperawatan; sikap dalam merawat; atribut perawat; kemampuan kognitif; kemampuan teknikal; pengelolaan tugas; pemenuhan gizi; pemeliharaan lingkungan; pelaksanaan program terapi; aktivitas perawatan; perilaku perawat; penataan SDM keperawatan; pengembangan layanan keperawatan dan pengembangan strategis. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pelayanan keperawatan yang dilaksanakan di RS X Madiun belum memenuhi harapan pasien, penerapan prinsip caring oleh perawat belum optimal, disebabkan oleh terbatasnya perawat baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas. Pemerintah kota Madiun sebagai pengambil kebijakan disarankan untuk membenahi SDM keperawatan dengan cara menambah jumlah perawat, seleksi tenaga perawat yang kompeten, evaluasi kinerja, pendidikan dan latihan, dan supervisi keperawatan. AbstractNursing service quality is results of an ideal hope which could create the patient perception based on received reality. The objecitives of this study was to explore the patient perception related to nursing services at RSUD Sogaten in Madiun District. This study used a descriptive phenomenology according to Spiegelberg by convenience sampling technique from 7 informants. Collecting data used in-depth interview technique in form of open-ended question by structural. Interview result recorded by tape recorder, and then it was transcripted by verbatim and it was analyzed by Colaizzi method. Study yield 18 themes concerning patient perception to nursing service: main reason to choose inpatient; reason of supporter choose taking care of to lodge; satisfied at service of treatment; satisfaction of nursing service; lenient of nursing service; attitude of nursing; nurse attribute; cognitive ability; technical ability; job management; nutrition accomplishment; environment maintenance; execution of therapy program; nursing activity; nurse behavior; settlement of nursing human resources; nursing service and strategic development. This conclusions of this study is nursing services at RS X Madiun did not fulfill patient hope yet, applying of caring principle by nurse is not optimal yet, because of limited of nurses both amounts and qualities. Government in Madiun District as policy maker was suggested to correct nursing human resources by the way of adding amount of nurse, select a competence nurse, performance evaluation, education, practice and nursing supervise.




Muhidin, M., Sahar, J., & Wiarsih, W. (2010). Persepsi Pasien Terhadap Pelayanan Keperawatan: Studi Fenomenologi. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 13(2), 74–80.

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