Fuzzy multiperiod model of choosing strategies for the organization interaction with stakeholder groups in the stakeholder network with multiple “power centers”

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The article is devoted to the development of a fuzzy multiperiod model of choosing strategies for the organization interaction with stakeholder groups in the stakeholder network with multiple "power centers". Various interpretations of the plurality of "power centers" in the stakeholder network are reviewed in the article. The developed model allows to choose the most appropriate type of strategy for the interaction of a focal company with each stakeholder group, taking into account the change in the characteristics of relations among the network actors over time, including degrees of mutual influence. The model proposed in the article is described by the following distinctive features in comparison with the earlier developed models: firstly, the dependence of changes in the characteristics of relations between a pair of actors on changes not only in the properties of these actors but also in other actors of the network are taken into account in the article. In this case, the delay of changes in the characteristics of relations is assumed in comparison with changes in properties. Secondly, the Hamming distances between the "real" and "ideal" values of the advisability of applying types of strategies based on the characteristics of the relationship for each period within each scenario are calculated in the article. The model is described by the example of interaction between the regional University and the business community taking into account change of properties of the state.




Gresko, A. A., Likhosherst, E. N., Solodukhin, K. S., & Chen, A. Y. (2019). Fuzzy multiperiod model of choosing strategies for the organization interaction with stakeholder groups in the stakeholder network with multiple “power centers.” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9), 2143–2152. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.i8492.078919

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