For many years, the territory along the course of the Crni Timok river in northeast Serbia was not presented as an interesting area for early Neolithic excavation. However, recent inspection of older unpublished data, with newer reconnaissance, has shed new light on this period of prehistory. A larger number of sites have been discovered with similar topographical positions on the edges/rims of large areas or on ridges above river courses. Thanks to cooperation between the geographical project TOPOI from Berlin and the Archaeological Institute in Belgrade, work has begun on the production of a digital ?archaeological model of probability? (ARM), which will improve reconnaissance of this region. Alongside the only systematic excavation/investigation of settlements in Kucajna, 16 more localities have been confirmed, situated in the area between the Roman imperial palace of Felix Romuiana in the south and Bor in the north. They are located at the following sites: Cerova Faca and Dubrava in Brestovac; Kot 1 and 2, Pundjilov potok (Pundjil?s stream) in Metovnica; La Bunar in Sarbanovac; Smolnica, Abri above Lazareve pecine (Lazarus? cave), Donja Stopanja (Lower Stopanja) Kobila in Zlot. In the area around Felix Romuliana several settlements have been discovered: in sectors Intra and Extra muros, Kravarnik, Varzari, Petronj 2, sites between Magura and Rimski majdan (Roman mine) and Visicina Basta. From the examination of finds discovered at these sites it can be concluded that on the territory along the course of the River Timok the population of the Starcevo-Keres-Kris cultural complex was relatively well established during the early Neolithic period. The Neolithic occupation of the region had proceeded from the Djerdap gorge in the north and Sicevacka, Svrljiska and Trgoviska gorges in the south, towards the course of the River Timok i.e. the central part of north-east Serbia. The Mesolithic populations had gradually accepted the production of food. Utilizing the optimal climate and fertile soil, they improved their husbandry through new agricultural methods and the better domestication of animals. This experimental process demanded successive migrations, which impoverished the quality of soil and the seasonal movements of animals that needed to be tamed. By analysis of the topographical and geomorphologic character of this terrain, early Neolithic settlements can be described as being agricultural-livestock husbandry and livestock husbandry-hunting based. The first settlements were located on gently inclined terrains relatively close to water sources, at altitudes of 180 to 300 m. The second category of settlements were formed on uplands, offering a better view of the terrain, 230 to over 450 metres above sea level. These were probably short-term or seasonal settlements since such territories were usually unsuitable for habitation during the winter months. The poor geomorphology of the land, the magma-rock substratum and ill-drained soil, in combination with primitive agriculture, guaranteed greater soil erosion, which would destroy the economic worth of the soil. With the disappearance of the early- Neolithic population from this region, human habitation did not reoccur until several millennia later, during the middle Bronze age.Ukoliko pogledamo arheoloske karte neolitskih nalazista na teritoriji Srbije, primeticemo prazan prostor bez oznacenih lokaliteta, u severoistocnoj Srbiji, izmedju Pomoravlja i Djerdapa. Kucajna kod Bora predstavlja jedino sistematski istrazeno neolitsko naselje iz perioda ranog neolita na teritoriji sliva Crnog Timoka. Cilj ovog rada je da prikaze nove i nepublikovane neolitske lokalitete konstatovane tokom vise rekognosciranja sa podrucja srednjeg toka ovog znacajnog komunikacijskog pravca Timocke Krajine. U radu je narocita paznja posvecena topografskim karakteristikama naselja i prirodnom okruzenju, u cilju boljeg razumevanja procesa naseljavanja ovog dela Srbije. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 147007: Metalno doba u Pomoravlju
Kapuran, A., Bulatovic, A., & Jovanovic, I. (2010). The neolithic settlements in the Timok region and Djerdap gorge hinterland. Starinar, (60), 19–36.
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