This paper summarizes the analytical investigation of two dimensional single bays two storeys RC frame with Aerocon block, Reinforced brick masonry and Diagonal Strut under lateral cyclic loading. The paper analytically determines the behaviour of the RC frame with Aerocon block masonry, Reinforced brick masonry and Diagonal Strut under equivalent static lateral cyclic loading conditions. The preliminary test such as compression test on prisms for the infill panels were done experimentally and the values were incorporated in the analytical modeling. Analytical works have been conducted using ANSYS software. The frames were subjected to lateral cyclic loading and the behaviors such as Load carrying capacity of the frames, Load-deflection behaviour, Stiffness degradation, have been determine. The results of all the three frames were compared.
Ahamed*, Mr. B. N., & Arulselvan, Dr. S. (2020). Effect of Aerocon Block, Reinforced Brick Masonry and RCC Diagonal Struct in Two Dimensional Single Bay Two Storey RC Frame under Cyclic Loading. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 1077–1085.
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