There are a variety of deep learning algorithms available in the supervision of ships, but they are dealing with multiple issues of inaccurate identification on rate and in a dequatetargetdetecti on speed. At this stage, an algorithm is given оnСоnvоlutiоnаlNeuralNetwork for target identification and detection using the ship image. The study involves the investigation of the reactions of hyper spectral atmospheric rectification on the accurate and precise results of ship detection. The ship features which were detected from two atmospheric rectified algorithms on airborne hyperspectral data were corrected by the application of these algorithms with the help of an unsupervised target detection procedure. High accuracy and fast ship identification was a result of this algorithm and using unique modules, improving the loss function and enlargement of data for the smaller targets. The results of the experiments show that our algorithm has given much better detection rate as compared to target detection algorithm using traditional machine learning.
Vigil, M. S. A., Jain, R., … Agarwal, T. (2021). А Nоvel Data-Driven Орtimаl Methоdоlоgy fоr Deteсting Shiр from Sаr Images Bаsed on Аrtifiсiаl Intelligenсe. Indian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networking, 1(3), 17–22.
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