Conglomerate encipher

ISSN: 22498958
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As the technology is growing day by day, the entire human activities are dependent on it, thereby the rate of transfer of data is increasing exponentially. The knowledge discovered from this data can be in the form of graphs, plots, images etc. Due to the loop holes in the technology, the attackers can retrieve the data which increases the rate of Cyber-crime. In this evolved world, images are playing a vital role in transmitting information. There is a need to implement few efficient protective schemes that provides higher security. In this paper one such protective scheme is proposed using Huffman code and AES mechanism. Firstly, the plain text is taken and encoded with Huffman code then the output obtained after encoding will be given as an input to the AES which results in the encrypted data. The encrypted data will be hidden into an image. Each character consists of 8 bits which are hidden in Grey image. After hiding this encrypted data into the grey image the original pixels of the image will be disturbed. In this paper we will calculate the (MSE) and (PSNR) between the original image and output image. The problem that might occur during this process is the output obtained from the Huffman code may not always produce 128-bit because AES need 128 bit as input to provide optimal solution.

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Karthikeyan, B., Teja, R. P., & Gowtham, G. V. (2019). Conglomerate encipher. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(5), 2505–2508.

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