In animation studios such as Walt Disney Animation, the sketches that make up the animated sequences of “pencil tests” are polished, in most of the cases, to obtain the final frames that will lead to the definitive animation of cels. In this article we will analyze the presence of Glen Keane's sketch stroke in the final result in his experimental animations, Duet and Nephtali. Then, we will see the transformation that the lines of his draft characters undergo to reach a clean and more refined outline, in the sequences that make up films such as the Beauty and the Beast or Tarzan. And, finally, we will reflect on how this “pencil test” can be considered definitive within more commercial aesthetic animations, in Pocahontas.
Rodríguez-González, M. E. (2020). Del inacabado al boceto como elemento estético: Los “pencil tests” de glen keane. Con A de Animacion, (10), 38–53.
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