Herbs are used in the treatment of several human ailment anddiseases. One of such herbs which have always been used for thetreatment of human diseases is Phyllanthus amarus. Theantimicrobial sensitivity of ethanolic extracts of Phyllanthus amarusleaves on oral microorganisms was determined. The ethanolic leafextract was tested for antimicrobial activity using some clinicalisolates such as E. coli, Klebsiella sp, Pseudomonas sp, Citrobactersp, Bacillus sp and Staph. aureus, showed sensitivity of 15.3333 mmat a concentration of 100 mg/ml followed by Klebsiella and Bacilluswith sensitivity of 14.0000 mm and 14.0000 mm respectively at 75mg/ml. while the least antibacterial sensitivity of 7.0000 mm wasrecorded at a concentration of 3.125 mg/ml. The leaf extract alsoshowed higher antifungal inhibitory activity in some fungi speciessuch as Penicillium and Sacchromyces. This indicates that the plantcontained some bioactive compounds with antibacterial, antifungaland skin conditioning properties.
E. O., O., O., U.-A., & D., A. (2020). Assessment of the Antimicrobial Sensitivity of Ethanolic Extracts of Phyllanthus amarus (Schum. et Thonn) Leaves on Oral Microorganisms. NIPES Journal of Science and Technology Research, 2(3), 96. https://doi.org/10.37933/nipes/2.3.2020.10
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