This paper presents the performance comparison of sine PWM and SVPWM based quasi impedance source inverter (QZSI).QZSI are used to boost the DC link voltage and convert DC voltage into AC voltage in a single stage with a concentrated number of semiconducting devices. Space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) method is used to control the inverter output voltage and reduce the current harmonic. MPPT technique is also integrated into the SVPWM technique to improve the maximum output power obtained from PV cells. Shoot through concepts is used to increase the DC link voltage and reduce the separate requirement of the boost stage. The projected QSZI inverter is simulated using MATLAB simu-link. SPWM and SVPWM method are used to determine the circuit performance. The circuit performance is compared with simulation results.
Shines, T. S., & Ramamoorthy, S. (2019). Quasi-Z-source inverter using space vector modulation and sine PWM method. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 4696–4699.
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