Performance Characteristics of a Long Porous Partial Journal Bearing using Couple Stress Fluid

  • Nisha*
  • et al.
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After effects of studies led on a long porous partial journal bearing for couple stress fluid are thus displayed. Performance characteristics presently determined incorporate the time-height relationship, Fluid film force, Flow rate, frictional force alongside the coefficient of friction. Plan/Technique/Approach -The paper shows a solution for the squeeze film lubrication of a thick, porous, with couple stress fluid model. It is determined that the changed Reynolds condition inferred the fluid film pressures. The modified state of Reynolds equation is analytically solved and closed form expressions are shown for the time-height, the flow rate and friction force with frictional coefficient numerically with the given starting condition using MATLAB programming, the first non-linear equation in the time-height relationship is resolved. The effects on the squeeze film characteristics of couple stresses and permeability are discussed. Findings – It can be seen that the couple stress parameter enhances the bearing characteristics. The bearing performance can be improved with the increase of couple stress parameter ( l  ), eccentricity ratio (ϵ), permeability parameter (ψ). Additional study may be performed using the couple stress fluid model, including the magnetic effect with heat and mass transfer. This model can be used to compare further with other models such as micropolar fluid, rabinowitsch fluid and for comparative study, which models are the most suitable for improving bearing system performance.




Nisha*, & Govindarajan, A. (2019). Performance Characteristics of a Long Porous Partial Journal Bearing using Couple Stress Fluid. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 4235–4240.

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