ABSTRAKBiskita Trans Pakuan Kota Bogor koridor 2 diharapkan dapat mendorong masyarakat untuk beralih dari transportasi pribadi ke transportasi umum sehingga dapat mengatasi kemacetan dan permasalahan lainnya. Penilaian diperlukan untuk mengetahui apakah kinerja operasional bus sudah sesuai standar. Indikator yang digunakan dalam evaluasi mengacu pada Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Darat SK.687/AJ.206/DRJD/2002 "Pedoman Teknis Penyelenggaraan Angkutan Penumpang Umum di Wilayah Perkotaan dalam Trayek Tetap dan Teratur”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja operasional pelayanan angkutan umum berbasis jalan Bus BTP Koridor 2 Kota Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Kinerja operasional yang dinilai meliputi load factor, frekuensi, waktu tempuh, kecepatan perjalanan dan ketersediaan bus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 70% dari indikator load factor penumpang dari weekday hingga weekend tidak memenuhi standar, dan hasil rata-ratanya adalah 60,67%. Indikator 5-10 menit yaitu weekday hingga weekend tidak memenuhi kriteria dengan nilai rata-rata 15,08 menit. Frekuensi indikator 4-6 kendaraan/jam sudah mencapai standar 4 kendaraan/jam. Waktu tempuh bus 60-90 menit sudah mencapai standar 68,25 menit. Kecepatan bus 10-30 km/jam telah mencapai standar 24 km/jam. Ketersediaan bus dengan indikator 80-90% sudah mencapai standar 93%. Hasil rekapitulasi untuk enam metrik faktor beban yang tidak tepat sasaran pada rata-rata hari kerja hingga akhir pekan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, kinerja operasional bus BTP Bogor Koridor belum memenuhi standar karena faktor bebannya masih di bawah 70%.Kata kunci: Load Factor, Headway, Frekuensi, Waktu Tempuh, Kecepatan Perjalanan, KetersediaanABSTRACTBiskita Trans Pakuan Bogor City corridor 2 is expected to encourage people to switch from private transportation to public transportation so that they can overcome congestion and other problems. Assessment is needed to find out whether the operational performance of the bus is up to standard. The indicators used in the evaluation refer to the Decree of the Director General of Land Transportation SK.687/AJ.206/DRJD/2002 "Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Public Passenger Transport in Urban Areas in Fixed and Regular Routes”. This study aims to determine the operational performance of road-based public transportation services Bus BTP Corridor 2 Bogor City. This research uses quantitative methods. Operational performance assessed includes load factor, frequency, travel time, travel speed and bus availability. The results showed that 70% of the passenger load factor indicators from weekdays to weekends did not meet the standards, and the average result was 60.67%. The 5-10 minute indicator, namely weekdays to weekends, does not meet the criteria with an average value of 15.08 minutes. The indicator frequency of 4-6 vehicles/hour has reached the standard of 4 vehicles/hour. Bus travel time of 60-90 minutes has reached the standard of 68.25 minutes. The bus speed of 10-30 km/hour has reached the standard of 24 km/hour. The availability of buses with an 80-90% indicator has reached the 93% standard. The recapitulation results for the six load factor metrics are not on target on the average weekday to weekend. Based on this, the operational performance of the BTP Bogor Corridor bus has not met the standard because the load factor is still below 70%.Key word: Load Factor, Headway, Frequency, Travel Time, Travel Speed, Availability
Murtejo, T., Muhajir, A., Alimuddin, A., & Chayati, N. (2023). Evaluasi Kinerja Angkutan Umum Trans Pakuan Trayek Terminal Bubulak via Cidangiang – Ciawi di Kota Bogor. Jurnal Komposit, 7(1), 61–68. https://doi.org/10.32832/komposit.v7i1.7367
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