Electrocoagulation treatment for landfill leachate using stainless steel electrode

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Electrocoagulation (EC) process uses direct electric current source between metal electrode submerged in the effluent that results in electrode dissolution, with a suitable pH, metal ion can form a wide range of metal hydroxide and coagulated species that destabilized and dissolved contaminants absorbed. Electrocoagulation (EC) has been working for the percentage removal of BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand)/ chemical oxygen demand (COD) ratio, Color and COD on leachate in a batch Electrocoagulation reactor using stainless steel (SS) electrode. EC technology depends on so many factors such as electrode material, initial pH, applied voltage, inter-electrode distance, and electrolysis time. From the experimental work, results reveal that the maximum percentage of removal achieved were COD and Color 73.5% and 65.0% respectively and increasing BOD/COD ratio 0.11 to 0.62. The optimum inter-electrode distance 1cm with electrode surface area 35 cm2 and optimum electrolysis time of 120 min at optimum applied voltage 12V, stirring speed 250 rpm and pH 9.8. These results proved that the EC process is an appropriate and proficient approach for treating the landfill leachate.




Bharath, M., & Krishna, B. M. (2019). Electrocoagulation treatment for landfill leachate using stainless steel electrode. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 2851–2855. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.A9807.109119

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