Penentuan masa simpan starter kering yoghurt probiotik bermanfaat untuk mengetahui kondisi penyimpanan yang optimal bagi starter kering. Mutu starter kering yang diuji meliputi total bakteri asam laktat/BAL, kadar air dan nilai a . Mutu yoghurt yang diuji meliputi total BAL, pH, total asam tertitrasi, kadar protein dan mutu organoleptik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola Faktorial (RALF). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan suhu dan waktu penyimpanan starter kering pada suhu freezer (-200C) lebih baik dibandingkan penyimpanan pada suhu refrigerator (5°C) maupun pada suhu ruang (27°C). Pada penyimpanan suhu freezer selama 8 minggu menunjukkan viabilitas sel starter kering 6,24 log CFU/g, dengan jumlah total BAL pada yoghurt probiotik hasil rehidrasi 11,52 log CFU/mL, Kadar air 4,71%, pH 4,66, Total asam tertitrasi (TAT) 1,56 dan kadar protein 5,68%. Penyimpanan starter di freezer menghasilkan yoghurt probiotik yang secara organoleptik (tekstur, aroma, rasa, konsistensi dan warna) lebih disukai dibandingkan dengan disimpan dalam refrigerator dan suhu ruang. Quality Of Dry Starter Of Probiotic Yoghurt At Different Temperature During Storage Shelf life determination of probiotic yogurt dry starter is useful to obtain the optimal storage conditions for dry starter. The quality of dry starter tested included total lactic acid bacteria/LAB, water content, and Aw value). The quality of the dry starter included total LAB, pH, total titratable acid, protein content, and organoleptic quality. This research used completely randomized factorial design experimental method with two factors. Result showed that temperature and storage time of the dry starter at freezer (-200C) better than storage at refrigerator temperature (5°C) and at room temperature (27°C). The storage temperature of freezer for 8 weeks showed the viability of dry starter cell 6.24 log CFU/g, with total amount of LAB on rehydrated probiotic yogurt 11.52 log CFU/mL, 4.71% water content, pH 4.66, Total titratable acid (TAT) 1.56 and protein content 5.68%. Storage of the starter in freezer produces probiotic yogurt which organoleptically (texture, aroma, taste, consistency and color) were preferred compared to stored in a refrigerator and room temperature.
Miskiyah, N., Juniawati, N., & Yuanita, L. (2020). Mutu Starter Kering Yoghurt Probiotik Di Berbagai Suhu Selama Penyimpanan. Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian, 17(1), 15.
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